Drew Hume

Drew Hume

Broadcasting from: Costa Rica
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/navina.community/

Hey there! Thanks for joining me/us here in the DVS. I really hope these practices become powerful tools of self-care for you, and that you keep returning to the ones that offer you the most palpable benefits. The practices I bring to the DVS are recorded in Costa Rica, right next to the rainforest (though I am originally from Australia). You'll likely find my teaching style to be a little more isolation-focus than flow, and this tends to come from my focus on therapeutics (like manual therapy and remedial exercise), which is a direct extension of my degree in Human Biology. My major influences include Cecily (of course), a series of people who you definitely don't know (my pathophysiology, biomechanics and A&P teachers, and my physios in Australia) as well as the findings I make during my own movement explorations.

You can expect a little more physiology and anatomy education within the practices I offer than some of the other, subtler elements of a yoga practice. Thanks again for being part of the DVS and I look forward to working with you here!

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Drew Hume
  • Some Gentleness to Ease into your Day

    With half an hour, sometimes you may not want to get into the hard, sweaty work and instead you want to move gently. If this is you today, give this practice a try. Bring a bolster or blankets and some blocks.

  • Reinvent the Wheel

    Specifically working on shoulder flexion, spinal extension and hip extension, in isolation first before working our way towards integration. You'll be best served by using a few bolsters (or a stack of blankets), a couple of blocks and a strap or belt. Not too long of a practice but still builds ...

  • Sweaty from Head to Knee

    Standing head to knee pose involves a lot of effort, period. The second way to approach it requires even more... and is a bit of an extension of some of the handing hamstring work you may have encountered with me in other practices. Enjoy!

  • Single-leg Side Plank Challenge

    Dissecting the work needed to prep for a strong side-plank, this practice will get the heat flowing in a reasonably brief 45 min exploration. A strap would be helpful here.

  • Spinal Rotation Compilation

    A mixture of the more challenging open-chain, and the more "sensational" closed-chain rotations of the spine. Take note of how these twists affect your breathing (and vice versa). No equipment needed for this practice.

  • Thoracic Extension - Effort & Position

    With a block and a couple of bolsters at the ready, jump in and work on those thoracic extensors! We explore the differences between position and effort and you'll get to see how this can be employed in your practice on a more regular basis if this is something you find benefit from. This reinfor...